boAt Service Center in Guwahati, Assam, Address, phone number & consumer related information. Broken wires? Short wires? DIY won’t help you fix the issue. We can help you repair your frayed cables or broken wires and get them soldered or change. Consult Boat service center to get rid of the problems. For more info related to our address & email id also you can visit our official website.
boAt Service Center in Guwahati:
Store Name: Lalani International
Contact Person: Talukdar
Address : Umang Commercial Center, Palton Bazar, Guwahati, Assam – 781008
Email Id: NA
Customer Care: 022-49461882
Product Availability:
- Bassheads 180/200/220/225/228
- Rockerz 255/ 255R / 255F
- Micro Rugged V3
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