Realme Service Center Dhubri, Assam, phone number & other information. As per the usage pattern, power bank batteries can last till 18 months. Realme power banks can hold a charge from 3 to 6 months with minimal loss. In case, you need to replace the battery or get it repaired, you can get it at the Realme service center. For more info related to our address & email id also you can visit our official website.
Realme Service Center Dhubri:
Address: G.T.B. Road, Near Assam Sahitya Sabha, Distt. Dhubri, Assam
Phone Number: 9435029158/9085546998
Business hours: Monday to Saturday 9:30-18:30
Break time: Sunday
Maintenance capability : Mobile phone and accessories
Toll free Number: 1800 102 2777
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